Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hoping for Spoons

As mentioned in my previous post, I have unexplained pain issues that flare from time-to-time.  I've been doing way better in recent months, but my pains still flare up more than my husband and I would like.  My gynecologist recommended I bring up my findings from a diagnostic laparoscopy done in August 2013 to any doctors I see, partially as she can't figure out if I have endometriosis or something else.  As my moving last year meant I (finally) changed my primary care physician (PCP), I mentioned them to the new PCP, Dr. T., on Monday.

I don't want to go into details just yet, but I'm being sent for a very routine test this Saturday to determine a course of treatment.  Dr. T. thinks my previous surgery's results have a glaring clue my previous PCP should have spotted.  If  Dr. T, is right, 90% of my symptoms can be explained by one medical condition--one that a single laparoscopic surgery would cure.  My husband and I are kind of hoping I do, indeed, have this condition.  Endometriosis is a lifetime struggle; this other condition is a surgery-and-mostly-cured kind of thing.  We like the latter's prognosis a lot more.

If I do end up needing surgery, I plan to schedule it as close to the Christmas break at my job as possible.  That'd put the least amount of strain on my coworkers and also give me 3 solid weeks to recover.  I'd be good as new by the time work started up, though I'd be pretty floppy over Christmas itself.  Considering I had full blown shingles two Christmases ago, I'm sure I can handle that.  My husband is 100% supportive of whatever the results show, as is my family and his.  If I end up needing the surgery, I'm in good company--many family members in his family and mine have had it done.

So, as strange as this sounds, pray the test on Saturday shows I need surgery.  I'll explain more when I have the results.

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