So, two weeks have passed since I posted least this time, I have a good reason:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: Last week, I had three birthday parties, three days in a row, for two guys born on the same day (my baby brother and my husband's good friend).
Wednesday: I crashed the second I got home and slept until Thursday. No knitting or reading done = no Knit-Along.
Thursday & Friday: I spent the entire night and all of Friday cleaning for company as a dear friend of mine from college was coming to stay with us until Sunday morning. I was VERY glad to have her, but that ate the part of my weekend not taken up by...
Saturday: Two friends of mine from college got married on Saturday, August 2nd, in a town over an hour from where my husband and I live. We spent the majority of that day at the festivities or traveling, and we and Dear Friend got home around midnight that night. We had an absolute blast at their wedding and reception, even though the sky decided we all needed a demonstration of Noah's Flood done in five minutes flat on city streets. (Also, take note: this Protestant was very confused in the full Roman Catholic wedding mass...and thought it was very long but beautiful...but long...)
Sunday: Woke up feeling sick. After our company left, I slept and/or rested most of that day.
Monday: Found myself in that wonderful "I am not unwell enough to classify as sick, but I have no desire to do anything not involving a flop onto something soft" land, but I made an appearance at a bridal shower for one of my sisters-in-law's friends and at the weekly game night Hubster and I attend.
Tuesday: Day #3 of "Okay, body, pick a mode, any mode, but for the love of all things cute and fuzzy stick with either sick or well" land had me still not so great. We ate leftovers from the bridal shower for dinner. I felt none of the shame...and I was glad I didn't leave the food my mother-in-law tried to pawn off on me on her counter like I so desperately wanted to do.
Wednesday: Cherish threatens to send her body to counseling to make it choose a mode as she's sick of being neither sick nor well. (Anyone detecting a pattern yet? Anyone? Anyone?) It was the first day of a new volunteer tutoring job I had agreed to take, so I pulled myself together long enough to make an appearance and something more useful than a talking corpse in a library chair. When I got home, I knitted maybe two rows tops and read all of three pages of another book but forgot to take pictures of either endeavor. Honestly, I'd probably have not taken any pictures even if I had remembered as, as sorry as I am to say this, I liked my couch better than any blog readers by that time last night. Again, no shame shalt be felt this day.
That brings us to today. Though I finally--FINALLY--feel like a human with an immune system worth more than a peanut at a carnival, I am less-than-pleased to state that I am out of "spoons" for the day. Yep, I'm done. Y'see, I flew down our driveway today.
Without a car.
In a knee-length skirt.
And landed on my in I skidded down the driveway on said side.
I learned today that 26-year-olds don't bounce like they're six years old anymore. I also relearned just how bad a bruise under a brush burn can hurt. I feel like I'm 80 today after brush-burning my left leg from the knee to the middle of my shin, bruising (I think--haven't looked yet) my left hip, and just overall aching everywhere from both the fall and being sick all week. I am a SORE lady. It's time to go home and sleep.
But, yeah, haven't forgotten about here yet. Should have some type of post up in a day or two. I'm also finally--yes, after TEN YEARS, FINALLY--making progress on my Sailor Moon fanfiction, so I may share it here as time goes on. We'll see!
For now, though, I want ice. And a gauze pad. And maybe a hamster ball to protect myself from, well, myself.
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