Sunday, December 28, 2014

Anniversary! And More Galling News.

Whelp, it's M's and my first wedding anniversary!  How are we spending it?

...well, we both slept in way too late yesterday as we're both night owls and off work until January 5th for the holidays.  So, it's 3:30 am and we're both still up.  He's playing Mass Effect 3 (again), and I'm running a Pokemon Emerald I clearly am a glutton for punishment from my video games.

But yeah!  We were both determined our anniversary would be spent mostly resting (as we've both ran laps around ourselves for weeks prior to this one and because how I feel physically right now changes almost as fast as blinking) and on a nice dinner out.  On our honeymoon, we ate at a great little restaurant named Japan One, where we got the best sushi either of us has ever had.  This year, we're reliving that at our local Japanese restaurant (which is only about 6 months old) with a sushi dinner, followed by dessert at our local frozen yogurt shop (and one of my favorite places--and they have bubble tea, people!  I have it on good authority that that makes my town a real town.  Next stop? Wegmans!)

After that, the week we have off will be spent putting our apartment into order and getting ready for my surgery on January 7th.  Yes, 7 am on the 7th, my gallbladder will be gone.  I'm hoping it helps with a lot of my pain issues.  My dad mentioned that his gallbladder never technically burst--it just died.  He did, however, mention that a ton of my pain issues and symptoms are all ones he had before his died and rotted inside of him and that all of them were gone after his surgery.  That is a huge comfort to me.

Obviously, I'm nervous about surgery, but I'm to the point where I just want it over with and done.  I want my life back.  I want my normal energy levels back.  I want my right side to stop hurting all.  The.  Time.

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